Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Superheroes and recycling

We live less than 5 minutes from our local library. This, I feel, is an amazing bonus to our new home. Especially as yesterday they held a Superheroes and Villains day for the kids.

Adeline, our 7 year old, is a real bookworm. She read 5 books last weekend. While we try and instill the geek in her by suggesting fantasy books such as Cornelia Funke, Tanith Lee and Susan Cooper, she happily picks out anything girly to devour. Currently she is reading Cookie by Jacqueline Wilson, 2 Rules for Girls books, some other thing about fairies and Going Solo by Roald Dahl.

Some of the more "throwaway book" choices she makes do have me sighing and I am guilty of trying to suggest books when we're in the library. I always let her make her own decisions in the end. Aren't we all guilty of reading some fairly rubbish books when we were young? I read anything and everything. I wasn't a big fan of Nancy Drew, but I read a fair few of the Babysitters' Club Series and adored the Point Horror books. Yet I'd also read a few of the classics and a few books I still love by the time I was in Secondary school.

I guess whatever gets her reading is something to be pleased about. Plus all the girly stuff isn't making my geeklings too girly themselves.

I've also found something to do with all the plastic bags we have in the cupboard. Knitting! Not too hard to prepare the bags, all you need to do is either cut it into strips or spiral so you have one long bit. Twist slightly as you make it into a ball and then just knit as normal. That bits not too hard. The tricky bit came with the actually knitting, the plastic sticks to the knitting needles in a way wool does not so knitting becomes a little more laborious. By the end of it I had a blister on my finger, so although I want to do more, I might experiment with different needles and types of plastic. Plastic Bag Crafts

I know the photo is rubbish, tried so many different settings on it but just couldn't get it right so here is one blurry Yoda.

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