Monday, 10 January 2011

The Count Down to the Housewarming

It's all very exciting. For the first time since I moved out of my parental home at the tender age of 17 (I've since moved back in and out again, but that's another story) I get to invite lots of people round and call it a party.

When I was with my ex-husband, this never would have happened. He was quite the unsociable creature, having gradually dismissed his friends one by one after we got together. Partly it was because they lived elsewhere, mostly it was because, in his eyes, he had me and no need for anyone else. Unfortunately, this attitude from him included anyone I was friends with. The few times during our relationship that I did have someone round, he made them feel uncomfortable enough that it was unlikely they'd come round again. If I went out, I was made to feel guilty about it and would have dresses vetoed because they were too revealing, which they really weren't. So I didn't go out and I didn't invite people round and didn't have anyone I would consider a close friend. This all became too much after we had the girls, I began to need the adult company and conversation that wasn't all about the kids. Even though I love them completely, any parent should understand that you can feel like you're going a little mad when you only have the company of a babe. So I sought out a writing group. Which, although he said he was okay with, I would have to text him when I got there, leave at 9.30 on the dot and text him when I had. Some meetings would see me get several texts from him during the two hours that would all require a reply. And so, with that, and many other things, I left him.

And since then, I haven't lived anywhere that's really allowed for a decent gathering of people. Which makes this all the better.

Hosting the party also means I have a deadline for getting a few key things achieved within the house that might otherwise have been put off. The table and 6 chairs I bought for the bargain price of £35 was £35 for a reason. Three of the chairs have been restored (fortunately not much work needed on any of the six) and table has been sanded, part restoration attempted and failed, top stripped completely and awaits sanding and dying. The little area at the bottom of the stairs has had most of the painting done; just a bit of woodwork left. The stairs need doing and I'd be happier if the kitchen got a coat of paint but most people know how much work we need to do to the house so I doubt they'll judge us on the current condition. Painting has been tricky. Not only is there a huge amount to do, the previous tenants, maybe the ones before them too, have done a really bad job of it all. Which means we're painting over chips and old, old areas of excess paint, bits that look like someone has painted over a chunk of paper... really the whole thing could do with stripping back, sanding and holes filling in before we even start painting. That could take years though and we want to get it looking liveable.

So, over the next 10 days we need to:

  1. Sand table
  2. Dye table
  3. Apply finish to table
  4. Finish woodwork in hall/stairs
  5. Paint any annoying bits of wall that have been missed in hall
  6. Sand and dye steps
  7. Decorate stairs
  8. Repair floor tiles in front room
  9. Clean hall floor and lay tiles
  10. Buy plates and stuff for party
  11. Borrow some sort of seating as the number of guests exceeds the number of chairs.
  12. Clean lots!
Then, on day 11, I need to cook lots. I should rephrase that. I get to cook lots. Which is one of the best bits for me as I love cooking. I will be making a nice big pot of Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon, a lasagne for the veggies and I kind of want one more hot dish but I've not picked that one yet. Probably be a Spanish chicken thing though as most of the nibbles are Mediterranean - a torta di riso and wrapped dates and other nommy things.

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